Shalonda Forrest
Could You Think Yourself Sick?
Your mind works in mysterious ways. Have you woke up in the morning with a stuffy nose and thought you were sick? According to the Everyday Health, 2 to 5 percent of individuals has experienced being a hypochondriac. A hypochondriac is an individual who thinks any little cough, sneeze, or headache is surely a life- threatening illness.
Often, it is hard to separate physical sensations and actual sickness. “Hypochondriacs become their symptoms. They have such an inappropriate preoccupation with the smallest physical problem that it gets in the way of normal living, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy,” says George Pratt, clinical psychologist and vice chairman of psychology at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla. This quote came from an article called Hypochondriacs can worry themselves sick. It talks about the problems that people with this disease have everyday pertaining to possibly being sick.
Anxiety that individuals experience may cause them to believe that they are actually sick. They genuinely think they are sick because their stomach and head may start hurting because of the anxiety that they are having. Studies have shown that you may actually think yourself into a disorder or even a disease.“This actually happens to the best of us we teach ourselves how to be sick. It happens to me often, but I try to stay lively when I “think” I am sick,” said Sarah an elementary school teacher. Do not think yourself sick it may affect you long term.
Hypochondriacs resort to the Internet to diagnose themselves. The Internet has been a crutch for individuals with this problem because they believe the diagnostics they give themselves are correct. Often that may not even be true. At times it is necessary to try and figure out what is wrong. But individuals with this disorder have a strong belief that they may have the worst type of sickness. “They may have had every test under the sun and feel briefly reassured, but then that strong belief that something is wrong comes right back,” says Jill Stoddard, a clinical psychologist at the Center for Stress and Anxiety Management in Mission Valley. Thinking yourself sick may cause mental disorders and may be long term so be aware on how you treat yourself while “sick”.
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