
Can You Stay “Super Fit” with a Less Than Super Diet? By Darren Woods

Can You Stay “Super Fit” with a Less Than Super Diet? Darren Woods Have you ever seen “ Super Size Me ”? Let me give you some background on that movie. So basically, an average joe—no offense—by the name of Morgan Spurlock goes on a 30 day “diet” of only eating the famously infamous (or infamously famous depending on your perspective) fast food restaurant McDonald’s for every single meal. Yes, that’s breakfast, lunch and dinner for those of you wondering if I really meant every single meal. Long story short, Morgan gained 24 pounds, experienced mood swings, began to have sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver. OUCH, right? This movie created huge head waves in the fast food industry, especially for McDonald’s. This movie showed that eating fast food often, like many Americans do, may not be the best for your health and well-being. What a shocker! But that leads me into my real topic today: what qualifies as being super fit? What really is super healthy? And what is ...
Do you have the spunk to outlast the funk and quit showering? By Darren Woods When you were little, do you remember your parents forcing you to bathe? You’re playing outside all day, maybe even getting muddy, but when it was time to come inside you didn’t want to get anywhere near the bathtub. I can relate. But as I got older, I want to shower as much as possible. The tranquility of the shower became a place of refuge or break from the outsider world. Especially, me, being an athlete, I cannot wait to wash away that layer of hard work that your body sweats up from a workout. I’m a college football player, so between classes, workouts and practices I can find myself in the shower three times a day. But, now I’m starting to question if I may be overdoing it. That’s because I came across an online article titled “You’re probably showering way too often.” This made me LOL… literally. I was puzzled. My mind drowned with questions. How can you shower too much? Do you not like to be cl...

8 Things I Learned While Being Vegan in College

8 Things I Learned While Being Vegan in College Like most diets, going plant-based began as a personal challenge to see if I could actually do it rather than truly wanting to do it. That can be tough in college considering pizza, Hawaiian take-out, and sushi are the seventh, eighth, and ninth food groups at UNLV. It seemed nearly impossible for me at first and even a couple weeks in it felt difficult to maintain, but I was once told it takes 21 days to break a bad habit so I gave myself a minimum of a month to adjust. Looking back on it now I find it funny that I had such a tough transition because I think the transition back would be even harder. Not only am I happy with the effect this lifestyle has had on me, but I’m proud of the small realizations I’ve had along the way. 1. I learned how to cook. Not that I couldn’t before, but it was a lot easier to pick and choose pre-made foods and snacks without double checking the ingredients. You don't realize how many foods in...

Any Black Person That Dates Outside Their Race is a Sellout

By: Priscilla Rogers “So, you’d really date a white guy?” I was asked this question that I never gave much thought to while on the 2-train heading back to Brooklyn from Manhattan. Revisiting one of my favorite films, a classic that is Save the Last Dance , is the best way to put that question into perspective. The movie follows the high school relationship dynamic between Sara, a Caucasian, and Derek, a Black young man, as they attempt move forward through stereotypes and stigmas of interracial dating. One person that did not agree with the relationship was Derek’s sister Chenille, played by Kerry Washington. Her thought process was along the lines of white women are already privileged and can get just about anything they want but why do they want to take black men as well. The movie was released in 2001 but, research proves just how realistic fiction can be. The study, “ Interracial Dating: An Investigation of the Inconsistencies in Personal and General Attitud...

Do smart products enhance your life?

Turning your home into a “smart home” may provide you with a little peace of mind because you have the convenience of everything being automated and activated by the sound of your voice or touch of a finger through an app.  You don’t have to be home to activate the amenities of your smart house.  You can be in another country and turn off your lights, activate your security system and more from anywhere in the world.  CES 2017 unveiled the most innovative and impressive smart home products that include everything from security systems, monitoring systems, televisions, appliances, utilities, remotes, furniture, solar panels, garage doors, water systems, air purifiers, home theaters, and even mops and vacuums.  CES - Opobotics (Photo by Michael Boykin Sr.) These smart products are designed to make your life easier.  But what happens if there is a natural disaster and it affects the internet?   The results of this could be devastating if your ...

Fear of going to the doctors? 3 ways to overcome it

By: Tara Mack Fear of going to the doctors? 3 ways to overcome it People are sometimes scared of going to the doctor's office, and fear them for many different reasons, while others can feel informed and powerful. One being the worry of hearing bad news, or finding out that something is wrong with them. Sometimes people become nervous of the thought of having certain tests conducted, like having to take an MRI, where those three letters alone are. However, these exams could help to save your life one day. From experience, when I’ve gone to the doctor, I’ve felt like I was in control of my body and my well-being, because I know the health that it is in. As a child, I used to be afraid of going to the doctor because of receiving shots, but in my adult life, I feel a positive experience about going. From those who are scared for whatever reasons or sometimes find it an inconvenience, we wonder what is fun about going to the doctor? From the cramped waiting rooms and outdated,...
Shalonda Forrest Could You Think Yourself Sick? Your mind works in mysterious ways. Have you woke up in the morning with a stuffy nose and thought you were sick? According to the Everyday Health, 2 to 5 percent of individuals has experienced being a hypochondriac. A hypochondriac is an individual who thinks any little cough, sneeze, or headache is surely a life- threatening illness. Often, it is hard to separate physical sensations and actual sickness. “Hypochondriacs become their symptoms. They have such an inappropriate preoccupation with the smallest physical problem that it gets in the way of normal living, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy,” says George Pratt, clinical psychologist and vice chairman of psychology at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla. This quote came from an article called Hypochondriacs can worry themselves sick . It talks about the problems that people with this disease have everyday pertaining to possibly being sick. Anxi...